Ma Deva Padma

I am best known for 2 boxed set books with card decks, The Osho Zen Tarot and TAO Oracle: An Illuminated Approach to the I Ching. Both of my decks are focused upon spirituality, self-help and psychology. They are highly regarded by tarot enthusiasts, psychologists, group leaders of all kinds, card deck collectors and people that enjoy esoteric, symbolic art. The Osho Zen Tarot deck has sold well over 1 million hard copies and continues to be a best seller in the highly competitive tarot card market. The TAO Oracle: An Illuminated Approach to the I Ching, is my 2nd illustrated card deck, it is in it’s 3rd printing with translation rights to publishers in France, Spain, Netherlands, Turkey, Taiwan (complex character), China. Both are published by St. Martin’s Press. The success of these decks is often attributed to the engaging art, which is a great joy to me. There are hundreds of reviews, to that fact, on amazon alone and I enjoy reading e-mails from fans the world over.
Years ago I created 2 interactive children’s “pop up” books Ladybug, Smooth & Round In the Ground (Dinnerman Books) and I’m in the process of creating new titles for little ones. The illustrations for these new books are a delight to do and provide another colour, to the rainbow of creativity, that I have always enjoyed
I have always believed that art can (and does) change the world and throughout many years have enjoyed learning that my creations have had a positive influence on the lives of others. I lead creative workshops at our Embrace Art Studio, where I live with my stone sculptor husband, Ashika, in Australia. A third, fascinating tarot style deck, is well underway as well as 3 illustrated books for small children. To see more of my work, please visit: and
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Decks created by Ma Deva Padma:
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