Craig Coss

As a fine artist, themes and interests that recur in my work include longing, the sacred feminine, the dangers of anthropocentrism, our interconnectivity with the Earth, and the dialogue and tension between opposites such as beauty and power, light and darkness, or passion and discipline. Influences include indigenous folk arts and rituals, sacred geometry, Chinese brush painting, alchemy, and the art of the European Renaissance. I have been inspired by the work and teachings of American twentieth century and contemporary artists Marilynn Zarwell Stewart, Morris Graves, Chester Arnold, Sigrid Burton, Barron Storey, Patricia K. Kelly, and Slobodan Dan Paich, as well as older masters such as Ch’en Rong, Odilon Redon, Ivan Bilibin, Fra Fillipo Lippi, Piero della Francesca, and Hans Holbein the Younger. My philosophy of art closely follows the Perennial Philosophy as described by Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, Brian Keeble, and Corita Kent.
As an illustrator and designer, I have created artwork for book and magazine covers, playing cards, websites, chalkboard illustrations, wall paintings, technical and scientific illustrations, trademarks, prints for dishware and textiles, hand-painted furniture, and have designed and illustrated educational toys, games, and curricula. I have worked for corporate, non-profit, and individual clients to design original products and creative environments using traditional and digital media. I have an aptitude with diverse styles, and enjoy the close collaboration with clients needed to do original, custom tailored illustrations. In this way, my work aspires to evoke the idea behind the job and the spirit of the client—not the artist.
MFA School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
BS double major Art & Philosophy, Lewis & Clark College, Portland, OR
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