Tarot Copyright Essentials


Tarot Copyright Essentials 5/5 (5)

Understanding copyright regulations related to Tarot and rules of mass publishers allow you to avoid copyright infringements. Current Legislature (2019) ...
Collecting Basics

Knowledge-sharing within the Card Collectors’ Community 5/5 (3)

The global move towards a knowledge-based economy influences cards collecting too. Knowledge helps to create consensus, make wise decisions, and ...
Collecting Basics

Valuing and Pricing Your Collection 5/5 (3)

We are all seduced by the value of our collections. There is nothing wrong with a high emotional estimation of ...
Collecting Basics

Digital Management of Cards Collections 5/5 (2)

With some exceptions and nuances, the key processes of your cards collection management include: Organizing your collections according to classification ...
Collecting Basics

Technology for Collectors 5/5 (2)

Technology can simplify collection management, facilitate connections within the global collectors’ community, improve valuing and pricing accuracy, and secure financial ...
Collecting Basics

The Pillars of the Card Collecting Economy 5/5 (2)

Tree moving forces rule the economy of the card collecting market: supply, demand, and distribution of cards as a link ...
Collecting Basics

The Collectable Cards Market Could Be Better 5/5 (2)

Over the years the Tarot and Oracles collectable cards market has continued to grow due to the growth of modern ...
Collecting Basics

Cards Collecting as an Investment 5/5 (2)

Collecting has the potential to bridge entertainment and profit, bringing systematic income to knowledgeable investors. The collection must feed itself ...
Collecting Basics

What is the Collectable Cards Market? 5/5 (2)

Frankly speaking, this market is in the initial stage of formation. If you’re not agreeing, ask three practical questions: Whether ...
Collecting Basics

Millennial Collectors are Coming 5/5 (2)

The main trait of the current epoch is the change of generations and the rise of the millennial, technology savvy, ...
Collecting Basics

Cards Collectors are Different 5/5 (2)

Collectors have different preferences and attitudes that determine their behaviour within the collecting process. To buy, sell, and swap effectively, ...
Collecting Basics
tarot collection of cards

Seven Basic Strategies for Tarot Collectors 5/5 (1)

Do you believe that economic factors underpin Tarot collecting, and cards can be an investment asset? If so, don’t be ...