Seven Basic Strategies for Tarot Collectors 5/5 (1)


tarot collection of cards

Do you believe that economic factors underpin Tarot collecting, and cards can be an investment asset? If so, don’t be afraid of the word ‘strategy.”


Strategy 1

Follow any classification system and make your collection organized properly. Make a catalog of your whole collection and print it. Assess the current market value of each item in the collection. Decide what you want to buy in the future and which items are better to sell or swap. Check market prices to see which decks are affordable for you (taking into account your perspective sells and swaps).


Strategy 2

As art pieces, Tarot cards in your collection may grow in price, working as a hedge against inflation. Plus, in hard times when the stock market falls, card assets can keep its value. Like any asset, Tarot cards may not only increase in price but also decrease because they may be in and out of fashion at different times. So, it is not wise to buy a deck and then forget about it as well as sell it in a hurry. The best strategy is waiting while the price is growing, but bear in mind that this growth will not continue forever.


Strategy 3

The general rule is to buy quality over quantity, but there are nuances. All collectibles including Tarot cards are often low liquidity investments: it is difficult to sell them quickly even at an essentially reduced price. Sometimes it is impossible to sell some obscure decks at all. Buying, be in a market trend, and always check a demand to be sure a deck is “trendy” (unless you’d like to follow the strategy 4). Selling, check a supply (perhaps, this card is offered in abundance on the market, and it is better to postpone its sale).


Strategy 4

Being in trend doesn’t mean blindly follow the crowd and believe that current prices are reasonable. No, they may be unreasonably high due to a temporarily rush demand for some decks. Make your research on emerging artists who show good painting, and new small publishers who demonstrate good taste and high printing quality. You can take some measurable risks to invest in newcomers who have the potential to come into fashion later. Don’t put all eggs in one basket: never commit yourself into one artist whether well-known or new in the market (see strategy 5).

tarot collection of cards

Strategy 5

Financial investors always diversify their portfolios, and this rule works within the collectable cards market also. And the latter has its own feature: you have to diversify your Tarot portfolio within your collection (follow strategy 1). You can diversify across Tarot traditions (classical and new decks), artists (well-known and novice), art movements (from the Italian Renaissance to Art Nouveau, Impressionism, surrealism, etc.). A well-balanced diversification increase liquidity of your collection and its total profitability even some items incur losses.


Strategy 6

Creating a catalog for your collection is not an end point: make an inventory of your collection regularly. Remember that the market is changeable unpredictably, and your plans for buying, selling, and swapping have to be revised. From the investment point of view (like capital appreciation), it is necessary to check market value for all your collectables. Update market prices for decks in your collection regularly, making thorough research and investigating market trends.


Strategy 7

Your Tarot collection is filled with material assets, and all materials may lose their qualities over time. Too high (as well as too low) temperature, direct sunlight, too high (as well as too low) humidity may harm physically your collection, and even destroy some items completely. If you display your collection, the shelves must be closed by glasses to prevent your decks from dust. Windows must be covered with curtains to avoid sunlight, and artificial light level has to be no more than 75 Lumen. The recommended temperature in the collection storage room is from 18 to 20 degrees (in Celsius scale). The average level of humidity in the storage must be about 50% (to decrease humidity you can install an air-conditioned with the drying function, to increase it – to install a humidifier).

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